Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (2025)

You can add, update, or remove phone numbers on your Google Account. Phone numbers are used for different reasons, and you have controls to manage how your numbers are used.

Important: It may take a week before you can use your new phone number to verify it's you for sensitive actions like changing your password.

Add, update or remove phone number

  1. In your Google Account, open the Personal info tab.
  2. Select Contact info Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (1) Phone number Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (2) your phone number.
  3. From here you can:
    • Add your phone number: Next to phone, select Add a recovery phone to help keep your account secure. Select the country associated with your phone number from the drop-down menu and enter your phone number.
    • Change your phone number: Next to your number, select Edit Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (3)Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (4) Update number.
    • Delete your phone number: Next to your number, select Delete Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (5)Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (6) Remove number.
  4. In the box that appears, follow the instructions.

Note: Changing the number in your Google Account only affects some Google services. Find out how to change your number for other Google services.

Add or edit a phone number

How phone numbers are used

As part of some Google services

Your phone number is connected to certain Google services that you've set up or used.

To see some services that use your phone number, check the Phone section of your Google Account. To learn more or make changes, click or tap the service.

Add or edit a phone number

Other Google services that use phone numbers might not be listed on that page. You can change your number in certain services' settings, like the ones below:

  • 2-Step Verification
  • Calendar: Learn how phone numbers are used
  • Chrome: Learn how phone numbers are used
  • Google Pay
  • Google My Business

Change how your number is used

To see your options for a certain service, go to its settings. If you need help, visit

Make sign-in & account recovery easier

You can use your phone number to:

  • Sign in to your account in certain places. Learn how to sign in with your phone number.
  • Get back into your account if you have trouble signing in. For example, you can get a text with a code to reset your password. Learn more about recovery phone numbers.

Help people get in touch with you

You can manage who sees your phone number. To change who can view your number, go to About me.

Learn how your phone number can help people find and connect with you on Google services. To change these settings, go to the Phone section of your Google Account.

Turn "Better ads & Google services" on or off

This setting lets your phone number to be used across Google services to show you ads more relevant to you. If you don’t want personalized ads, turn off the setting.

  1. Open your Google Account.
  2. On the left or at the top, click Personal info.
  3. In the "Contact info" section, click Phone.
  4. Select the phone number that you want to make changes to.
  5. Under "Preferences,"turn on or off "Better ads and Google services."

Tip: If turned on, "Across Google" appears under the Usage section.

Add or edit a phone number

Improve your experience across Google

If "Across Google" is listed on your "Phone" page, this number can be used across Google services.

Check if your number is used this way

  1. Go to the Phone section of your Google Account.
  2. Next to "Usage," look for "Across Google."

Stop using your number across Google

  1. Go to the Phone section of your Google Account.
  2. Next to your number, select Delete Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (7)Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (8) Remove number.
  3. Go to the Recovery phone section of your Google Account and re-add your number.
  4. To keep using your number in other Google services, go to those services and re-add it.

Verify your phone number

When you set up a Google Account, you can let Google know your phone's number. If you do, we'll verify that the number is yours, and we'll try to re-verify it from time to time to make sure that it's still yours. Learn more about verifying your number.

Google doesn’t sell your personal information, including your phone number, to anyone. To learn more, visit

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Change the phone number on your account & how it's used - Computer (2025)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.