Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (2025)



  • Dec 10, 2024
  • #551

i think the fact that the lab is proffesional will cause rowly to have more trust and less chance to betray our man


  • Dec 10, 2024
  • #552

wait a min what count as a base token?

because when he get the money to buy that old abounded mall where the netwatch guy set up camp at, would he use the token to get a FNAF mall as part of the base token to make it where he get all the stuff online without people thinking his using the magic like system to rebuild that mall into the biggest pizza joint in all night city.



  • Dec 10, 2024
  • #553

mc seems completely different now.


  • Dec 10, 2024
  • #554

here a drug in a kid fridly show

Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (3)

Big Boss Bar

The Big Boss Bar is a candy bar made by Rabid Dog. Its only known appearance was in "To Eat or Not to Eat." The candy bar is known to have tri-enzomated zorn jelly which can have highly addictive effects. Brain also informed Buster that radioactive elements could be traced in it and apparently...

Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (4)arthur.fandom.com

the candy is made to be a skinner box thing where eating it get you basically super happy and high basiclly.

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New base and what Larry and Styx look like New

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  • RoboShark1019

    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #555

    This was done in Sims 4 with mods. Just Pretend it's cyberpunk. This is not a one-to-one recreation because the Sims don't have the parts I want. This is the basement. I might build the ground floor, but it would be blank due to Larry clearing everything out.

    • RoboShark1019
    • Dec 10, 2024
    • Reader mode

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    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #557

    RoboShark1019 said:

    i've been noticing that the mc personality and the personality of those around him tends to change drastically in every interaction, example i don't think that the Rowely? has ever had a consistent persona? like at one point you wrote him like a Faraday lite, then he's a stereotypical pawnshop owner,now he feels more idk. its hard to get a hold of his constantly shifting personality especially since I don't think you actually ever give'd a physical description to latch onto.iirc


    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #560

    just remember this playing my gameboy again.

    megaman NT warriors!

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2J0Lvs1rMM

    for rare knowledge gem to make a PET unit of all models to Vuris and to net navis and would help with the deadly AI from behind the blackwall.

    "NetNavi the avatar of frdily or hostle AI units of there owners and can be pre made or custom made navis to fight hostle vuris program in cyberspace"

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (9)


    NetNavis (ネットナビ, Nettonabi), or Navi (ナビ, Nabi) (derived from the term "Internet Navigator"), also known as Network Navigator [1][2] (ネットワークナビゲーター, Nettowāku Nabigētā) are a key concept in the Mega Man Battle Network series of video games as well as the MegaMan NT Warrior anime and manga. They...

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (10)megaman.fandom.com

    "PET or known as a PErsonally Terminal units are basically cyberdeck handhelds but are made to hold the AI unit of the NetNavis and to help the owner with there daily task and more, they are a windows to cyberspace itself and to help them fight"

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (11)

    PErsonal Terminal

    "“PET“ is short for “PErsonal Terminal“. It's a portable link to the net, see? Kinda like a cellphone that does a whole lot more. You can send mail, use electronic money and read textbooks! The Navi program inside helps if you have a problem. You have one on your PET, too. Wasn't it called...

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (12)megaman.fandom.com

    "anti vuris chips and battle chips are there to help fight Vuris and to help Net Navies to fight them on the net of cyberspace"

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (13)

    Battle Chip

    A Battle Chip (バトルチップ, Batoru Chippu), usually written as "BattleChip" or simply "chip" in the games, is a data storage device in the Mega Man Battle Network series that an operator can insert in the PET to transfer its data to a NetNavi, giving support in combat. There is a wide variety of...

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (14)megaman.fandom.com



    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #561

    McLovin is now the notorious drug dealer... Redstone.


    Yes, this is real
    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #562

    RoboShark1019 said:

    This was done in Sims 4 with mods. Just Pretend it's cyberpunk. This is not a one-to-one recreation because the Sims don't have the parts I want. This is the basement. I might build the ground floor, but it would be blank due to Larry clearing everything out.

    You know, i always imagine Styx's robot body to be this non-describt, non-gendered type of android. Similiar to this and this. So now i imagined that Larry brought home a sex robot or something


    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #563

    Pfish said:

    Gemini are meant to be a full-body replacement. and they are often in the human form to prevent Cyberpsychosis. also I tried to make her as robotic as possible but the sims don't have that many options. imagine she looks like this.

    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #564

    man i can't wait when he get full on river chp one day when his drugs become well known in the NCPD with River Ward taking the case and have no idea how to handle it for the most part.

    like how can you solve the Jet problem when the stuff to make it is so damn common all it take is a gonk a toilet that won't fluse and a iron gut system to make the drug.

    or drugs that have more benefits then downsides and so on.

    also hope to add bender to that list of tokens?
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (18)

    RoboShark1019 said:

    Gemini are meant to be a full-body replacement. and they are often in the human form to prevent Cyberpsychosis. also I tried to make her as robotic as possible but the sims don't have that many options. imagine she looks like this.

    btw i like to point out furries in cyberpunk never get that for some reason.

    like no joke in the cyberpunk pen and paper they are call exotics and most of them are furries.
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (19)
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (20)

    the reason they are not in the video game i think its more to do with what happen in 2020 in real life and have no more time to add them in given how they are happy with the mod of the exotics in the game, they also hint at it in the game a tiny bit with the Animal gang as well but only tiny skin of it on the arms and body.

    for some reason when they do this body mod they huminty cost is VERY low, if you do a save you are not effect at all by it, if anything its one of those thing that give high reward for high risk kind of deal.


    Paradox Man does whatever a Paradox can
    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #565

    Holy damn, I need to find a Roll20 group that is running CPK2020 cause that seems crazy. It makes me almost wish it was added to the game just to make catgirl V, and the Animals look more intimidating. Speaking of gangs when are the other gangs going to pop up? I imagine not until the more aggressive Fallout chems are added like Psycho, Buffout, and things like Slasher.



    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #566

    zsewqthewolf said:

    man i can't wait when he get full on river chp one day when his drugs become well known in the NCPD with River Ward taking the case and have no idea how to handle it for the most part.

    That's the nice thing about the Fallout Drugs he probably won't be considered arrestable because Mentats are primarily aimed at Corpos.

    Good luck arresting him when a majority of corpos use Mentats.


    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #567

    TheWakingStorm said:

    Holy damn, I need to find a Roll20 group that is running CPK2020 cause that seems crazy. It makes me almost wish it was added to the game just to make catgirl V, and the Animals look more intimidating. Speaking of gangs when are the other gangs going to pop up? I imagine not until the more aggressive Fallout chems are added like Psycho, Buffout, and things like Slasher.

    there still canon in the newer version of cyberpunk pen and paper in cyberpunk red.

    and like most thing when tech as time to make more stuff it become cheaper. now unlike the old price of around 6k to 20k, now its just around 5k to get a full body mode of a furry body you want.

    here what they look like in 2020
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (23)
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (24)
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (25)

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (26)

    and here what they look like in 2045 in the time of the red
    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (27)

    in one fanfic they make it where it have mostly fallen out of style but a few hardcore newbies still show up once in a while to join.

    but if you ask me its more to do with the video game didn't have time to bake them in all the way if anything else because you have to build new models from the ground up and then some.

    but i would love if they show up in a fic and being part of the MC crew in a way.

    there are cheaper ways to become an exotic in other media out there without any risk of cyberpsyicos thing.


    Introverted said:

    That's the nice thing about the Fallout Drugs he probably won't be considered arrestable because Mentats are primarily aimed at Corpos.

    Good luck arresting him when a majority of corpos use Mentats.

    there not the only chems that would ruin his day, but jet would be the most funny in my book still as even the corpos didn't think of using human shit to make drugs and i think even the cops would have a hard time wanting to raid a jet lab knowing all it take is a random bullet and they are cover in it by mistake and need HOURS to take a very long shower to feel a little clean again.

    Last edited:


    Paradox Man does whatever a Paradox can
    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #568

    Ya'll forget about Psycho and Buffout... again. The melee chems of choice remain the middle child of fallout chems until you need them to go on a naked massacre in Quarry Junction.


    • Dec 10, 2024
    • #569

    TheWakingStorm said:

    Ya'll forget about Psycho and Buffout... again. The melee chems of choice remain the middle child of fallout chems until you need them to go on a naked massacre in Quarry Junction.

    we didn't forget them..... the fact is if those drugs show up it would bring so much heat doing it now would paint a HUGE target on your back all over.

    god know how bad it be if an exotic took them or worst a knock off adam smasher.

    its already bad the animal gang is a melee crazy gonks and all that, now think of them taking those drugs..... ya its best to wait until you have a VERY good power base of gangs behind you on your payroll THEN you offer those drugs.

    that's why i keep on offering this gang for the MC to use

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (30)


    The Piranhas are a gang operating in Night City. Around 2020, the Piranhas were a party gang who lived for the party and loved to have fun, though no one was sure what this "fun" was exactly. They were based in an old convenience store in the Combat Zone at South Night City.[1] The gang was...

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (31)cyberpunk.fandom.com

    there small but are in everyone pocket as they know every party in NC, meaning he can grow fast if he need to by them going to those parties and finding people who go there to not think about not having work or having shit pay and barely cutting at living just life itself.

    tiny gangs can grow huge over time and more so when hit with a fuck ton of eddies.

    mealstrom didn't start off as big they are, they started off as a combat gang and almost got wiped out in the 2020s but all it took is a tiny few to keep on coming back more powerful and more crazy each an everytime someone try to wipe them out.

    triger claws are a gang that got huge fast because they the "Cats Paw" of the mega corpo we all love to hate, so they got all the best toys on the spot.

    if the MC use that gang to push his chems out into the wide market and gain eddies fast before anyone can do anything to stop him he already have powerful base that no one can remove him off the board now.



    • Dec 11, 2024
    • #570

    zsewqthewolf said:

    we didn't forget them..... the fact is if those drugs show up it would bring so much heat doing it now would paint a HUGE target on your back all over.

    Not really?

    Those drugs are legit powerful especially if its lore and not game versions but by NightCity standards they are not even that noticeable.

    They would just assume this guy has subtle chrome.


    Here is Screaming
    • Dec 11, 2024
    • #571

    RoboShark1019 said:

    I see. i will try to keep his character consistent going forward.

    Oh? I've been interpreting it as the two of them wearing a persona around each other, and mutually adapting more open (but still quite fake) stances as they get more familiar. The City is far more likely to punish than reward being your 'true self', after all.


    • Dec 11, 2024
    • #572

    I experimented with different perspectives in this chapter. I'm curious to hear what you guys think! did you like the way I used different viewpoints?

    Switching point of views AND telling the story in first person view is not easy to pull off well.
    Unless you can make each character unique in their thoughts/observations/habits/behavior, it will make all characters come off as "boring" because they all feel the same to the reader.

    You could tell the MCs side of things from first person view and elaborate on his thoughts, motivations and so on but switch to third person view for all interludes and/or other points of view.

    Finally, a switch in point of view should add something profound to the story that no other perspective can properly convey otherwise it is meaningless.

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    • Dec 11, 2024
    • #573

    you know i wonder with with things like implant and that kind of things will we at some point see something like a insuline pump but for liquid mentat?



    • Dec 11, 2024
    • #574

    resusplus said:

    you know i wonder with with things like implant and that kind of things will we at some point see something like a insuline pump but for liquid mentat?

    They might not be necessary. You don't really need that for Mentats as they last long enough.
    Its starts wearing off you just go to the bathroom and take a pill, as we see in Corpo V there really ain't much of a stigma on pill usage.

    If the SI starts selling the other Chems tho there might be a cyberpsycho nutcase who decides to put all the Chems into one Insulin Pump and would probably be insane by the end of the day after getting his mind fried from being so high.



    • Dec 11, 2024
    • #575

    Hey had an idea for a item drop, or in this case a blueprint drop.

    There's a Ghost in the shell game that has a decent arsenal of weapons that I think would do well, nothing too advanced but has a wide range of weapon designs from classic to what could be considered modern by the CPU's standard. Just a idea.

    Gonk With A System (Cyberpunk 2077) (Semi-SI) (Multi-Cross) (ON HOLD) (2025)
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    Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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    Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.