- Creator:Aethestode (rockmanmegaman)
- Version:Beta 15 + Expansion Pass Fix C
- Hack of:FireRed
- Updated:October 25, 2020
Here are the cheat codes for Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter. All these cheats have been tested and are working, verified by various players online. To avoid any typing mistakes, you can copy the codes directly into your emulator, as they include combinations of numbers and letters.
Download the latest version ofPokemon Adventure Red Chapter
The game is enjoyable on its own, but using cheats can make it even more entertaining. Remember to enter them as either Game Shark (Action Replay) or Code Breaker cheats, and ensure they are activated; otherwise, they won’t be effective. Additionally, avoid using too many cheats simultaneously to prevent the game from crashing or glitching.
Table of Contents
- Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheats List
- Item Modifier Cheats (All Code Breaker) (PC Withdraw)
- Item Modifier Cheats (All Code Breaker) (Buy from Pokemart)
- Pokemon Related Cheats (All Game Shark)
- Battle Related Cheats (All Game Shark)
- Misc Cheats (All Game Shark)
- Most Used Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheat Codes
Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheats List
Warning: Before using these cheats, please be aware that using cheats can sometimes mess up your game. Occasionally, It can also cause random freezing and other various glitches. As a rule of thumb, enable one cheat at a time.And finally, make sure to save your game before using any cheat code.
Item Modifier Cheats (All Code Breaker) (PC Withdraw)
Use the codes as instructed in each section. These cheats will allow you to obtain an unlimited amount of any of the listed items. You can go to any Item PC to withdraw an unlimited amount of said items.
Replace “YYYY” with the code for the desired item. (In the case of Master Ball and Rare Candy, use their code as is)
Mega Stones
82025840 005A = Sceptilite
82025840 0052 = Victreebelite
82025840 0057 = Meganiumite
82025840 0058 = Typlosionite
82025840 0059 = Feraligite
82025840 0070 = MewtwoniteX
82025840 0071 = MewtwoniteY
82025840 0072 = Alakazite
82025840 0073 = Gengarite
82025840 0074 = Pinsirite
82025840 0075 = Kangaskite
82025840 0076 = Gyaradosite
82025840 0077 = Aerodactite
82025840 0078 = Ampharosite
82025840 0079 = Scizorite
82025840 0080 = Agronite
82025840 0081 = Medichamite
82025840 0082 = Manectite
82025840 0083 = Absolite
82025840 0084 = Garchompite
82025840 0090 = Lucarionite
82025840 0091 = Abomasite
82025840 0092 = Beedrillite
82025840 0093 = Butterfrite
82025840 0094 = PidgeotiteY
82025840 0095 = Slowbronite
82025840 0098 = Swampertite
82025840 0099 = Sablenite
82025840 0100 = CharizarditeX
82025840 0102 = PikachuniteX
82025840 0106 = Machampite
Spine fossil = 82025840 0120
Jaw fossil = 82025840 0118
Cover fossil = 82025840 011A
Plume fossil = 82025840 011B
Skull fossil = 82025840 011C
Armor fossil = 82025840 011D
Root fossil = 82025840 010E
Misc. Items
82025840 005B = Dark Relic
82025840 005C = Star Ribbon
82025840 005D = Sun Stone
82025840 0055 = Escape Rope
82025840 0056 = Repel
82025840 0060 = Thunderstone
82025840 0061 = Waterstone
82025840 0062 = Leafstone
82025840 0063 = Thunderstone
Eon Ticket = 82025840 0113
Red Orb = 82025840 0114
Blue Orb = 82025840 0115
Green Orb = 82025840 0116
Mystery Key = 82025840 0119
Prison Urn = 82025840 010D
Contest Pass = 82025840 010A
Fairy stone = 82025840 002B
Parasectite = 82025840 010C
82025840 0101 for Charizard Y
82025840 0103 dark crests
82025840 0104 coin case
82025840 0105 invitation for new island
82025840 0107 reveal glass
82025840 0108 fishing rod
82025840 0109 orange ticket
Item Modifier Cheats (All Code Breaker) (Buy from Pokemart)
Use the codes as instructed in each section. These cheats will allow you to obtain an unlimited amount of any of the listed items. You can go to any Pokemart to buy the Item)
Replace “YYYY” with the code for the desired item. (In the case of Master Ball and Rare Candy, use their code as is)
Master Ball
82003884 0001
Rare Candy
82003884 0044
0121 = TM01 Work Up
0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw
0123 = TM03 Psycho Cut
0124 = TM04 Calm Mind
0125 = TM05 Roar
0126 = TM06 Toxic
0127 = TM07 Hail
0128 = TM08 Bulk Up
0129 = TM09 Venoshock
012A = TM10 Hidden Power
012B = TM11 Sunny Day
012C = TM12 Taunt
012D = TM13 Ice Beam
012E = TM14 Blizzard
012F = TM15 Hyper Beam
0130 = TM16 Light Screen
0131 = TM17 Protect
0132 = TM18 Rain Dance
0133 = TM19 Roost
0134 = TM20 Safeguard
0135 = TM21 Frustration
0136 = TM22 Solar Beam
0137 = TM23 Rock Throw
0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt
0139 = TM25 Thunder
013A = TM26 Earthquake
013B = TM27 Return
013C = TM28 Leech Life
013D = TM29 Psychic
013E = TM30 Shadow Ball
013F = TM31 Brick Break
0140 = TM32 Double Team
0141 = TM33 Reflect
0142 = TM34 Acid Spray
0143 = TM35 Flamethrower
0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb
0145 = TM37 Sandstorm
0146 = TM38 Fire Blast
0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb
0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace
0149 = TM41 Torment
014A = TM42 Facade
014B = TM43 Flame Charge
014C = TM44 Rest
014D = TM45 Attract
014E = TM46 Thief
014F = TM47 Low Sweep
0150 = TM48 Razor Wind
0151 = TM49 Hyper Voice
0152 = TM50 Overheat
0153 = HM01 Cut
0154 = HM02 Fly
0155 = HM03 Surf
0156 = HM04 Strength
0157 = HM05 Flash
0158 = HM06 Rock Smash
0159 = HM07 Waterfall
015A = HM08 Dive
Other Items
82003884 0002 – Ultra Ball
82003884 0003 – Great Ball
82003884 0004 – Poké Ball
82003884 0005 – Snag Ball
82003884 0006 – Net Ball
82003884 0007 – Dive Ball
82003884 0008 – Nest Ball
82003884 0009 – Repeat Ball
82003884 000A – Timer Ball
82003884 000B – Luxury Ball
82003884 000C – Premier Ball
82003884 000D – Potion
82003884 000E – Antidote
82003884 000F – Burn Heal
82003884 0010 – Ice Heal
82003884 0011 – Awakening Heal
82003884 0012 – Paralyz Heal
82003884 0013 – Full Restore
82003884 0014 – Max Potion
82003884 0015 – Hyper Potion
82003884 0016 – Super Potion
82003884 0017 – Full Heal
82003884 0018 – Revive
82003884 0019 – Max Revive
82003884 001A – Fresh Water
82003884 001B – Soda Pop
82003884 001C – Lemonade
82003884 001D – Moomoo Milk
82003884 001E – Energy Powder
82003884 001F – Energy Root
82003884 0020 – Heal Powder
82003884 0021 – Revival Herb
82003884 0022 – Ether
82003884 0023 – Max Ether
82003884 0024 – Elixir
82003884 0025 – Max Elixir
82003884 0026 – Malasada
82003884 0027 – Ice Stone
82003884 0028 – Link Stone
82003884 0029 – Gracidea
82003884 002A – Evol Coral
82003884 002B – Fairy Stone
82003884 002C – Berry Juice
82003884 002D – Sacred Ash
82003884 002E – Lens
82003884 002F – Skull
82003884 0030 – Region Orb
82003884 0031 – Blue Shard
82003884 0032 – Yellow Shard
82003884 0033 – Green Shard
82003884 0037 – Fish Food
82003884 003E – Remeyo Weed
82003884 003F – HP Up
82003884 0040 – Protein
82003884 0041 – Iron
82003884 0042 – Carbos
82003884 0043 – Calcium
82003884 0044 – Rare Candy
82003884 0045 – PP Up
82003884 0046 – Zinc
82003884 0047 – PP Max
82003884 0048 – Oval Stone
82003884 0049 – Guard Spec.
82003884 004A – Dire Hit
82003884 004B – X Attack
82003884 004C – X Defend
82003884 004D – X Speed
82003884 004E – X Accuracy
82003884 004F – X Special
82003884 0050 – Poké Doll
82003884 0051 – Slowpoke Tail
82003884 0052 – Victreebellite
82003884 0053 – Super Repel
82003884 0054 – Max Repel
82003884 0055 – Escape Rope
82003884 0056 – Repel
82003884 0057 – Meganiumite
82003884 0058 – Typlosionite
82003884 0059 – Feraligite
82003884 005A – Sceptilite
82003884 005B – Dark Relic
82003884 005C – Star Ribbon
82003884 005D – Sun Stone
82003884 005E – Moon Stone (Regular Size)
82003884 005F – Fire Stone
82003884 0060 – Thunder Stone
82003884 0061 – Water Stone
82003884 0062 – Leaf Stone
82003884 0063 – Cool Ribbon
82003884 0064 – Cute Ribbon
82003884 0065 – Beauty Ribbon
82003884 0066 – Smart Ribbon
82003884 0067 – Tiny Mushroom
82003884 0068 – Big Mushroom
82003884 0069 – Tough Ribbon
82003884 006A – Pearl
82003884 006B – Big Pearl
82003884 006C – Stardust
82003884 006D – Star Piece
82003884 006E – Nugget
82003884 006F – Heart Scale
82003884 0070 – MewtwoniteX
82003884 0071 – MewtwoniteY
82003884 0072 – Alakazite
82003884 0073 – Gengarite
82003884 0074 – Pinsirite
82003884 0075 – Kangaskite
82003884 0076 – Gyaradosite
82003884 0077 – Aerodactite
82003884 0078 – Ampharosite
82003884 0079 – Scizorite
82003884 007A – Heracronite
82003884 007B – Houndoomite
82003884 007C – Tyranitarite
82003884 007D – Blazikenite
82003884 007E – Gardevoirite
82003884 007F – Mawilite
82003884 0080 – Aggronite
82003884 0081 – Medichamite
82003884 0082 – Manectite
82003884 0083 – Absolite
82003884 0084 – Garchompite
82003884 0085 – Cheri Berry
82003884 0086 – Chesto Berry
82003884 0087 – Pecha Berry
82003884 0088 – Rawst Berry
82003884 0089 – Aspear Berry
82003884 008A – Pika Drawing
82003884 008B – Oran Berry
82003884 008C – Persim Berry
82003884 008D – Lum Berry
82003884 008E – Sitrus Berry
82003884 008F – Diancite
82003884 0090 – Lucarionite
82003884 0091 – Abomasite
82003884 0092 – Beedrillite
82003884 0093 – Butterfrite
82003884 0094 – PidgeotiteY
82003884 0095 – Slowbronite
82003884 0096 – SteelixiteY
82003884 0097 – Metal Dye
82003884 0098 – Swampertite
82003884 0099 – Sablenite
82003884 009A – Sharpedonite
82003884 009B – Cameruptite
82003884 009C – Hoenn Ticket
82003884 009D – Liberty Ticket
82003884 009E – Nanomi Ticket
82003884 009F – Sinnoh Ticket
82003884 00A0 – Decole Ticket
82003884 00A1 – Orre Ticket
82003884 00A2 – Lunar Wing
82003884 00A3 – Myth Book 1
82003884 00A4 – Myth Book 2
82003884 00A5 – Myth Book 3
82003884 00A6 – Myth Book 4
82003884 00A7 – Belue Berry
82003884 00A8 – Liechi Berry
82003884 00A9 – Ganlon Berry
82003884 00AA – Shark Repel
82003884 00AB – Star Badge
82003884 00AC – Spike Badge
82003884 00AD – Ruby Badge
82003884 00AE – Colar Badge
82003884 00AF – Enigma Berry
82003884 00B0 – Aurora Ticket
82003884 00B1 – Jhoto Ticket
82003884 00B2 – Mecha Armor
82003884 00B3 – Bright Powder
82003884 00B4 – White Herb
82003884 00B5 – Macho Brace
82003884 00B6 – Exp. Share
82003884 00B7 – Quick Claw
82003884 00B8 – Soothe Bell
82003884 00B9 – Mental Herb
82003884 00BA – Choice Band
82003884 00BB – King’s Rock
82003884 00BC – Silver Powder
82003884 00BD – Amulet Coin
82003884 00BE – Cleanse Tag
82003884 00BF – Soul Dew
82003884 00C0 – Dream Orb
82003884 00C1 – Vaccine
82003884 00C2 – Smoke Ball
82003884 00C3 – Everstone
82003884 00C4 – Focus Band
82003884 00C5 – Lucky Egg
82003884 00C6 – Scope Lens
82003884 00C7 – Armour
82003884 00C8 – Leftovers
82003884 00C9 – Serpent Scale
82003884 00CA – Light Ball
82003884 00CB – Soft Sand
82003884 00CC – Hard Stone
82003884 00CD – Miracle Seed
82003884 00CE – Black Glasses
82003884 00CF – Black Belt
82003884 00D0 – Magnet
82003884 00D1 – Mystic Water
82003884 00D2 – Sharp Beak
82003884 00D3 – Poison Barb
82003884 00D4 – Nevermeltice
82003884 00D5 – Spell Tag
82003884 00D6 – Twisted Spoon
82003884 00D7 – Charcoal
82003884 00D8 – Debug
82003884 00D9 – Silk Scarf
82003884 00DA – Wireframe
82003884 00DB – Shell Bell
82003884 00DC – Sea Incense
82003884 00DD – Lax Incense
82003884 00DE – Lucky Punch
82003884 00DF – Metal Powder
82003884 00E0 – Thick Club
82003884 00E1 – Stick
82003884 00E2 – Choice Specs
82003884 00E3 – Choice Scarf
82003884 00E4 – Life Orb
82003884 00E5 – Rockey Helmet
82003884 00E6 – Black Sludge
82003884 00E7 – Assault Vest
82003884 00E8 – Eviolite
82003884 00E9 – Destiny Knot
82003884 00EA – Shiny Charm
82003884 00EB – Altarianite
82003884 00EC – Glalitite
82003884 00ED – Salamencite
82003884 00EE – Flygonite
82003884 00EF – Metagrossite
82003884 00F0 – Latiasite
82003884 00F1 – Lopunnite
82003884 00F2 – Galladite
82003884 00F3 – Latiosite
82003884 00F4 – Poliwrathite
82003884 00F5 – VenusauriteY
82003884 00F6 – VenusauriteX
82003884 00F7 – PidgeotiteX
82003884 00F8 – Nidokingite
82003884 00F9 – Politoedite
82003884 00FA – SteelixiteX
82003884 00FB – Banettite
82003884 00FC – Raticatite
82003884 00FD – Golemite
82003884 00FE – BlastoisniteX
82003884 00FF – BlastoisniteY
82003884 0100 – CharizarditeX
82003884 0101 – CharizarditeY
82003884 0102 – PikachuniteX
82003884 0103 – Dark Crest
82003884 0104 – Coin Case
82003884 0105 – Invitation
82003884 0106 – Machampite
82003884 0107 – Reveal Glass
82003884 0108 – Fishing Rod
82003884 0109 – Orange Ticket
82003884 010A – Contest Pass
82003884 010B – PikachuniteY
82003884 010C – Parasectite
82003884 010D – GS Ball
82003884 010E – Prison Urn
82003884 010F – Griseous
82003884 0110 – Magic Stick
82003884 0111 – Urn
82003884 0112 – Sail Fossil
82003884 0113 – Eon Ticket
82003884 0114 – Red Orb
82003884 0115 – Blue Orb
82003884 0116 – Green Orb
82003884 0117 – Dragonitite
82003884 0118 – Jaw Fossil
82003884 0119 – Mystery Key
82003884 011A – Cover Fossil
82003884 011B – Plume Fossil
82003884 011C – Skull Fossil
82003884 011D – Armor Fossil
82003884 011E – Root Fossil
82003884 011F – Claw Fossil
82003884 0120 – Spine Fossil
82003884 015B – Mulch
82003884 015C – Blue Feather
82003884 015D – Love Letter
82003884 015E – Genwu Herb
82003884 015F – DD Upgrade
82003884 0160 – Parcel
82003884 0161 – Key Stone
82003884 0162 – Old Amber
82003884 0163 – Card Key
82003884 0164 – Fashion Box
82003884 0165 – Helix Fossil
82003884 0166 – Dome Fossil
82003884 0167 – Azure Flute
82003884 0168 – Bicycle
82003884 0169 – Town Map
82003884 016A – S.S. Key
82003884 016B – Mew’s Letter
82003884 016C – TM Case
82003884 016D – Berry Pouch
82003884 016E – Flower
82003884 016F – Sevii Ticket
82003884 0170 – Color Ticket
82003884 0171 – Nuyan Water
82003884 0172 – Mystic Ticket
82003884 0173 – Old Battery
82003884 0174 – Bird Feed
82003884 0175 – Dojo Band
82003884 0176 – Moon Stone (Small Size)
Pokemon Related Cheats (All Game Shark)
In this section you’ll find Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheats related to the Pokemon.
Wild Pokemon Modifier (Ultra Beasts)
1003DAE6 0007
83007CEE 0375 = Celesteela
83007CEE 0376 = Kartana
83007CEE 0377 = Guzzlord
83007CEE 0378 = Necrozma
Xurkitree – 83007CEE 0374
Pheromosa – 83007CEE 0373
Buzzwole – 83007CEE 0372
Nihilego – 83007CEE 0371
W Kyurem – 83007CEE 0362
B Kyurem – 83007CEE 0361
Zekyuram – 83007CEE 0359
Dialkia – 83007CEE 0360
Ash-Greninja – 83007CEE 0547
Arceus (faith?) – 83007CEE 0544
Zygarde 100% – 83007CEE 0543
Solgaleo X – 83007CEE 0538
Lunala X – 83007CEE 0537
Wild Pokemon Modifier
1003DAE6 0007
83007CEE 0379 = Laketoise (Unreleased Pokemon)
83007CEE 0307 = Rowlet
83007CEE 0308 = Dartrix
83007CEE 0309 = Decidueye
83007CEE 0310 = Pikipek
83007CEE 0311 = Trumbeak
83007CEE 0312 = Toucannon
83007CEE 0313 = Yungoos
83007CEE 0314 = Gumshoos
83007CEE 0315 = Grubin
83007CEE 0316 = Charjabug
83007CEE 0317 = Vikavolt
83007CEE 0318 = Crabrawler
83007CEE 0319 = Crabominable
83007CEE 0320 = Mareanie
83007CEE 0321 = Toxapex
83007CEE 0322 = Mudbray
83007CEE 0323 = Mudsdale
83007CEE 0324 = Dewpider
83007CEE 0325 = Araquanid
83007CEE 0326 = Fomantis
83007CEE 0327 = Lurantis
83007CEE 0328 = Morelull
83007CEE 0329 = Shiinotic
83007CEE 0330 = Tsareena
83007CEE 0331 = Comfey
83007CEE 0332 = Oranguru
83007CEE 0333 = Passimian
83007CEE 0334 = Wimpod
83007CEE 0335 = Golisopod
83007CEE 0336 = Sandygast
83007CEE 0337 = Palossand
83007CEE 0338 = Pyukumuku
83007CEE 0340 = Bruxish
83007CEE 0190 = METAGROSS
83007CEE 0194 = KYOGRE
83007CEE 0196 = RAYQUAZA
83007CEE 0197 = LATIAS
83007CEE 0198 = LATIOS
83007CEE 0374 for xurkitree
83007CEE 0373 for pheromosa
83007CEE 0372 for buzzwole
83007CEE 0371 for nihilego
83007CEE 0370 for mystereo (must be a fakemon)
83007CEE 0369 bouldeon (also a fakemon I think)
83007CEE 00FB celebi
83007CEE 0200 shower
83007CEE 0201 abomasnow
83007CEE 0202 weavile
83007CEE 0203 magnezone
83007CEE 0204 lilickiliky
83007CEE 0205 rhyperior
83007CEE 0206 tangrowth
83007CEE 0207 electivire
83007CEE 0208 mag mortar
83007CEE 0209 togekiss
83007CEE 0210 gallade
83007CEE 0211 probopass
83007CEE 0212 dusk noir
83007CEE 0213 froslass
83007CEE 0214 rotom
83007CEE 0215 uxie
83007CEE 0216 mesprit
83007CEE 0217 azelf
83007CEE 0218 dialga
83007CEE 0219 palkia
83007CEE 0220 darkrai
83007CEE 0221 shaymin
83007CEE 0222 arceus
83007CEE 0223 victims
83007CEE 0224 shiny
83007CEE 0225 service
83007CEE 0226 serperior
83007CEE 0227 tepig
83007CEE 0228 pignite
83007CEE 0229 emboar
83007CEE 0230 herdier
83007CEE 0231 stoutland
83007CEE 0232 purloin
83007CEE 0233 liepard
83007CEE 0234 pansage
83007CEE 0235 simisage
83007CEE 0236 pansear
83007CEE 0237 simisear
83007CEE 0238 panpour
83007CEE 0239 simipour
83007CEE 0240 zebstrika
83007CEE 0241 roggenrola
83007CEE 0242 boldore
83007CEE 0243 gigalith
83007CEE 0244 woobat
83007CEE 0245 swoobat
83007CEE 0246 drilbur
83007CEE 0247 excadrill
83007CEE 0248 audino
83007CEE 0249 timburr
83007CEE 0250 sawk
83007CEE 0251 sewaddle
83007CEE 0252 swadloon
83007CEE 0253 leavanny
83007CEE 0254 venipede
83007CEE 0255 whirlipede
83007CEE 0256 scolipede
83007CEE 0257 cottonee
83007CEE 0258 whimsicott
83007CEE 0259 petilil
83007CEE 0260 darmanitan
83007CEE 0261 maractus
83007CEE 0262 dweble
83007CEE 0263 crustle
83007CEE 0264 scraggy
83007CEE 0265 scrafty
83007CEE 0266 sigilyph
83007CEE 0267 yamask
83007CEE 0268 cofagrigus
83007CEE 0269 tirtouga
83007CEE 0270 zoroark
83007CEE 0271 minccino
83007CEE 0272 Ciccino
83007CEE 0273 gothita
83007CEE 0274 gothorita
83007CEE 0275 gothitelle
83007CEE 0276 solosis
83007CEE 0277 duosion
83007CEE 0278 reuniclus
83007CEE 0279 ducklett
83007CEE 0280 emolga
83007CEE 0281 karrablast
83007CEE 0282 escavalier
83007CEE 0283 foongus
83007CEE 0284 amongus
83007CEE 0285 frillish
83007CEE 0286 gellicent
83007CEE 0287 alomomola
83007CEE 0288 joltik
83007CEE 0289 galvantula
83007CEE 0290 eelektrik
83007CEE 0291 eelektross
83007CEE 0292 elgyem
83007CEE 0293 beheeyem
83007CEE 0294 litwick
83007CEE 0295 lampent
83007CEE 0296 chandelure
83007CEE 0297 axew
83007CEE 0298 fraxure
83007CEE 0299 haxorus
83007CEE 0300 noivern
83007CEE 0383 cursola
83007CEE 0384 bealeaf
83007CEE 0385 blossomole
83007CEE 0386 blossomite
83007CEE 0387 pyrocub
83007CEE 0388 volbear
83007CEE 0389 dynabite
Wild pokemon modifier
000014D1 000A
1003DAE6 0007
Pokemon cheat : 83007CEE YYYY [Replace yyy with pokemon no.]
Pokemon no.
0001 = Bulbasaur
0002 = Ivysaur
0003 = Venusaur
0004 = Charmander
0005 = Charmeleon
0006 = Charizard
0007 = Squirtle
0008 = Wartortle
0009 = Blastoise
000A = Caterpie
000B = Metapod
000C = Butterfree
000D = Weedle
000E = Kakuna
000F = Beedrill
0010 = Pidgey
0011 = Pidgeotto
0012 = Pidgeot
0013 = Rattata
0014 = Raticate
0015 = Spearow
0016 = Fearow
0017 = Ekans
0018 = Arbok
0019 = Pikachu
001A = Raichu
001B = Sandshrew
001C = Sandslash
001D = Nidoran
001E = Nidorina
001F = Nidoqueen
0020 = Nidoran
0021 = Nidorino
0022 = Nidoking
0023 = Clefairy
0024 = Clefable
0025 = Vulpix
0026 = Ninetails
0027 = Jigglypuff
0028 = Wigglytuff
0029 = Zubat
002A = Golbat
002B = Oddish
002C = Gloom
002D = Vileplume
002E = Paras
002F = Parasect
0030 = Venonat
0031 = Venomoth
0032 = Diglett
0033 = Dugtrio
0034 = Meowth
0035 = Persian
0036 = Psyduck
0037 = Golduck
0038 = Mankey
0039 = Primeape
003A = Growlithe
003B = Arcanine
003C = Poliwag
003D = Poliwhirl
003E = Poliwrath
003F = Abra
0040 = Kadabra
0041 = Alakazam
0042 = Machop
0043 = Machoke
0044 = Machamp
0045 = Bellsprout
0046 = Weepinbell
0047 = Victreebel
0048 = Tentacool
0049 = Tentacruel
004A = Geodude
004B = Graveler
004C = Golem
004D = Ponyta
004E = Rapidash
004F = Slowpoke
0050 = Slowbro
0051 = Magnemite
0052 = Magneton
0053 = Farfetch’d
0054 = Doduo
0055 = Dudrio
0056 = Seel
0057 = Dewgong
0058 = Grimer
0059 = Muk
005A = Shellder
005B = Cloyster
005C = Gastly
005D = Haunter
005E = Gengar
005F = Onix
0060 = Drowzee
0061 = Hypno
0062 = Krabby
0063 = Kingler
0064 = Voltorb
0065 = Electrode
0066 = Exeggecute
0067 = Exeggutor
0068 = Cubone
0069 = Marowak
006A = Hitmonlee
006B = Hitmonchan
006C = Lickitung
00D6 = Koffing
006E = Weezing
006F = Rhyhorn
0070 = Rhydon
0071 = Chansey
0072 = Tangela
0073 = Kangaskhan
0074 = Horsea
0075 = Seadra
0076 = Goldeen
0077 = Seaking
0078 = Staryu
0079 = Starmie
007A = Mr. Mime
007B = Scyther
007C = Jynx
007D = Electabuzz
007E = Magmar
007F = Pinsir
0080 = Tauros
0081 = Magikarp
0083 = Lapras
0082 = Gyrados
0084 = Ditto
0085 = Eevee
0086 = Vaporeon
0087 = Jolteon
0088 = Flareon
0089 = Porygon
008A = Omanyte
008B = Omastar
008C = Kabuto
008D = Kabutops
008E = Aerodacty
008F = Snorlax
0090 = Articuno
0091 = Zapdos
0092 = Moltres
0093 = Dratini
0094 = Dragonair
0095 = Dragonite
0096 = Mewtwo
0098 = Chikorita
0097 = Mew
0099 = Bayleef
009A = Meganium
009B = Cyndaquil
009C = Quilava
009D = Typhlosion
009E = Feraligatr
009F = Croconaw
00A0 = Feraligatr
00A1 = Sentret
00A2 = Furret
00A3 = Hoothoot
00A4 = Noctowl
00A5 = Ledyba
00A6 = Ledian
00A7 = Spinarak
00A8 = Ariados
00A9 = Crobat
00AA = Chinchou
00AB = Lanturn
00AC = Pichu
00AD = Cleffa
00AE = Igglybuff
00AF = Togepi
00B0 = Togetic
00B1 = Natu
00B2 = Xatu
00B3 = Mareep
00B4 = Flaaffy
00B5 = Ampharos
00B6 = Bellossom
007B = Marill
008B = Azumarill
00B9 = Sudowoodo
00AB = Politoed
00BB = Hoppip
00CB = Skiploom
00C8 = Misdreavus
00C9 = Unown
00CA = Wobbuffet
00CB = Girafarig
00CC = Pineco
00CD = Forretress
00CE = Dunsparce
00CF = Gligar
00D0 = Steelix
00D1 = Snubbull
00D2 = Granbull
00D3 = Qwilfish
00D4 = Scizor
00D5 = Shuckle
00D6 = Heracross
00D7 = Sneasel
00D8 = Teddiursa
00D9 = Ursaring
00DA = Slugma
00DB = Magcargo
00DC = Swinub
00DD = Piloswine
00DE = Corsola
00DF = Remoraid
00E0 = Octillery
00E1 = Delibird
00E2 = Mantine
00E3 = Skarmory
00E4 = Houndour
00E5 = Houndoom
00E6 = Kingdra
00E7 = Phanpy
00E8 = Donphan
00E9 = Porygon2
00EA = Stantler
00EB = Smeargle
00EC = Tyrogue
00ED = Hitmontop
00EE = Smoochum
00EF = Elekid
00F0 = Magby
00F1 = Miltank
00F2 = Blissey
00F3 = Raikou
00F4 = Entai
00F5 = Suicune
00F6 = Larvitar
00F7 = Pupitar
00F8 = Tyranitar
00F9 = Lugia
00FA = Ho-oh
00FB = Celebi
0115 = Treecko
0116 = Grovyle
0117 = Sceptile
0118 = Torchic
0119 = Combusken
011A = Blaziken
011B = Mudkip
011C = Marshtomp
011D = Swampert
011E = Poochyena
011F = Mightyena
0120 = Zigzagoon
0121 = Linoone
0122 = Wurmple
0132 = Silcoon
0124 = Beautifly
0125 = Cascoon
0126 = Dustox
0127 = Lotad
0128 = Lombre
0129 = Ludicolo
012A = Seedot
012B = Nuzleaf
012C = Shiftry
012D = Nincada
012E = Ninjask
012F = Shedinja
0130 = Taillow
0131 = Swellow
0132 = Shroomish
0133 = Breloom
0134 = Spinda
0135 = Wingull
0136 = Pelipper
0137 = Surskit
0138 = Masquerain
0139 = Wailmer
013A = Wailord
013B = Skitty
013C = Delcatty
013D = Kecleon
013E = Baltoy
013F = Claydol
0140 = Nosepass
0141 = Torkoal
0142 = Sableye
0143 = Barboach
0144 = Whiscash
0145 = Luvdisc
0146 = Corphish
0147 = Crawdaunt
0148 = Feebas
0149 = Milotic
014A = Carvanha
014B = Sharpedo
014C = Trapinch
014D = Vibrava
014E = Flygon
014F = Makuhita
0150 = Hariyama
0151 = Electrike
0152 = Manectric
0153 = Numel
0154 = Camerupt
0155 = Spheal
0156 = Sealeo
0157 = Walrein
0158 = Cacnea
0159 = Cacturne
015A = Snorunt
015B = Glalie
015C = Lunatone
015D = Solrock
015E = Azurill
015F = Spoink
0160 = Grumpig
0161 = Plusle
0162 = Minun
0163 = Mawile
0164 = Meditite
0165 = Medicham
0166 = Swablu
0167 = Altaria
0168 = Wynaut
0169 = Duskull
016A = Dusclops
016B = Roselia
016C = Slakoth
016D = Vigoroth
016E = Slaking
016F = Gulpin
0170 = Swalot
0171 = Tropius
0172 = Whismur
0173 = Loudred
0174 = Exploud
0175 = Clamperl
0176 = Huntail
0177 = Gorebyss
0178 = Absol
0179 = Shuppet
017A = Banette
017B = Seviper
017C = Zangoose
017D = Relicanth
017E = Aron
017F = Lairon
0180 = Aggron
0181 = Castform
0182 = Volbeat
0183 = Illumise
0184 = Lileep
0185 = Cradily
0186 = Anorith
0187 = Armaldo
0188 = Ralts
0189 = Kirlia
018A = Gardevoir
018B = Bagon
018C = Shelgon
018D = Salamence
018E = Beldum
018F = Metang
0190 = Metagross
0191 = Regirock
0192 = Regice
0193 = Registeel
0194 = Kyogre
0195 = Groudon
0196 = Rayquaza
0197 = Latias
0198 = Latios
0199 = Jirachi
019A = Deoxys
019B = Chimecho
00BD = Jumpluff
00BE = Aipom
00BF = Sunkern
00C0 = Sunflora
00C1 = Yanma
00C2 = Wooper
00C3 = Quagsire
00C4 = Espeon
00C5 = Umbreon
00C6 = Murkrow
00C7 = Slowking
Legendary & Mythical Pokemon
1003dae6 0007
Mythical Pokemon
83007CEE 0304 = Diancie
83007CEE 0305 = Hoopa
83007CEE 0306 = Volcanion
83007CEE 0301 = Xerneas
83007CEE 0302 = Yvetal
83007CEE 0303 = Zygarde
83007CEE 0339 = Type: Null
83007CEE 0090 = Articuno
83007CEE 0091 = Zapdos
83007CEE 0092 = Moltres
83007CEE 0093 = Dratini
83007CEE 0094 = Dragonair
83007CEE 0095 = Dragonite
83007CEE 0096 = Mewtwo
83007CEE 0199 = Jirachi
83007CEE 0191 = Regirock
83007CEE 0192 = Registeel
83007CEE 0193 = Regice
83007CEE 0195 = Groudon
83007CEE 0097 = Mew (won’t obey)
83007CEE 019A = Deoxys (won’t obey)
83007CEE 00F4 = Entei
83007CEE 00F9 = Lugia
83007CEE 00FA = Ho-oh
Primal Pokemon
Mastercode (Enter this first as a separate cheat)
1003DAE6 0007
83007CEE 0380 = Zapdos Primal
83007CEE 0381 = Articuno Primal
83007CEE 0382 = Moltres Primal
83007CEE 037F = Lugia Primal
Ancient Pokemon
Master Code:
000014D1 000A
1003DAE6 0007
Gengar Anc: 83007CEE 0535
Jigglypuff Anc: 83007CEE 0534
Alakazam Anc: 83007CEE 0533
Mega Evolved Pokemon
Master Code:
000014D1 000A
1003DAE6 0007
83007CEE 0410 – mecha blastoise
83007CEE 0408 – mecha zill
83007CEE 0423 – bittercold
83007CEE 0424- dark matter
83007CEE 0428 – G.o.d
83007CEE 0435 – marshtompx
83007CEE 0436 – arbok 2
83007CEE 0437 – omneon
83007CEE 0419 – meltan
83007CEE 041a – melmetal
83007CEE 041b – magearnOG (mega)
83007CEE 041c – necrozama 2
83007CEE 041D – necozama 2
83007CEE 04b0 – charizard2
83007CEE 041E vuplix
83007CEE 041F – poipole
83007CEE 0572 – typhloshionX
83007CEE 0573 – fraligatorY
83007CEE 0574 – magnaniumx
83007CEE 0575 – butterfryx
83007CEE 0576 – machampx
83007CEE 0577- polowrathy
83007CEE 0578- parasictey
83007CEE 0579 -pikachuY
83007CEE 0580 – audinox
83007CEE 0581 – galladex
83007CEE 0582 – abomasnowy
83007CEE 0583 – lucario Y
83007CEE 0584 -garchompy
83007CEE 0585 -lopunnyy
83007CEE 0586 – mega groudon primal
83007CEE 0587 – mega kyorge primal
83007CEE 0588 – mega rayuaza primal
83007CEE 0589 – LatiosX
83007CEE 0590 – commerupt x
83007CEE 05b0 – mega charizard x
83007CEE 05b1 – mega charizard y
83007CEE 05b2 – mega venusaur x
83007CEE 05b3 – venusaur y
83007CEE 05ae – blastoise y
83007CEE 05a2 – mewtwo y
83007CEE 05a3 – mewtwo x
83007CEE 05a4 – mega aerodactyl
83007CEE 05a5 – gyrados x
83007CEE 0222 – arceus
83007CEE 042d – entei primal
83007CEE 042f- entei primal
83007CEE 043c – shiny gengar
83007CEE 045a – dark tyranitar
83007CEE 0450 – mew mirage
83007CEE 0543 – zygarde100
Shiny Pokemon
1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC
100% Catch Rate
87ACF659 707466DC
8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Teach Any Pokemon, Any Move
Teach any Pokemon any move. This cheat will enable you to teach any pokemon any move. Even moves that differ on your current Pokemon type and outside from its move pool and learning set.
( eg. Pikachu can learn Hydro Pump )
Heres an updated list of all the moves I gathered. I intentionally skipped and not listed some moves because they’re glitched and can cause game issues.
How to use:
Battle any wild Pokemon then select Run ( Flee from battle ). A dialogue box will appear, select Yes.
72023D74 8919
82023D74 8A25
72023D74 8A4B
82023D74 8A65
72023D74 8A31
82023D74 8A65
82024022 YYYY
001 Pound
002 Karate chop
003 Double slap
004 Comet punch
005 Mega punch
006 Pay day
007 Fire punch
008 Ice punch
009 Thunder punch
00A Scratch
00B Vicegrip
00C Guillotine
00D Razor wind
00E Swords dance
00F Cut
010 Gust
011 Wing attack
012 Whirlwind
013 Fly
014 Bind
015 Slam
016 Vine whip
017 Stomp
018 Double kick
019 Mega kick
01A Jump kick
01B Rolling kick
01C Sand attack
01D Headbutt
01E Horn attack
01F Fury attack
020 Horn drill
021 Tackle
022 Body slam
023 Wrap
024 Take down
025 Trash
026 Double edge
027 Tail whip
028 Poison sting
029 Twineedle
02A Pin missile
02B Leer
02C Bite
02D Growl
02E Roar
02F Sing
030 Supersonic
031 Sonicboom
032 Disable
033 Acid
034 Ember
035 Flamethrower
036 Mist
037 Water gun
038 Hydro pump
039 Surf
03A Ice beam
03B Blizzard
03C Psybeam
03D Bubblebeam
03E Aurora beam
03F Hyper beam
040 Peck
041 Drill peck
042 Submission
043 Low kick
044 Counter
045 Seismic toss
046 Strength
047 Absorb
048 Mega drain
049 Leech seed
04A Growth
04B Razor leaf
04C Solarbeam
04D Poisonpowder
04E Stun spore
04F Sleep powder
050 Petal dance
051 String shot
052 Dragon rage
053 Fire spin
054 Thundershock
055 Thunderbolt
056 Thunder wave
057 Thunder
058 Rock throw
059 Earthquake
05A Fissure
05B Dig
05C Toxic
05D Confusion
05E Psychic
05F Hypnosis
060 Meditate
061 Agility
062 Quick attack
063 Rage
064 Teleport
065 Night shade
066 Mimic
067 Screech
068 Double team
069 Recover
06A Harden
06B Minimize
06C Smokescreen
06D Confuse ray
06E Withdraw
06F Defense curl
070 Barrier
071 Light screen
072 Haze
073 Reflect
074 Focus energy
075 Bide
076 Metronome
077 Mirror move
078 Selfdestruct
079 Egg bomb
07A Lick
07B Smog
07C Sludge
07D Bone club
07E Fire blast
07F Waterfall
080 Clamp
081 Swift
082 Skull bash
083 Spike cannon
084 Constrict
085 Amnesia
086 Kinesis
087 Sofboiled
088 Hi jump kick
089 Glare
08A Dream eater
08B Poison gas
08C Barrage
08D Leech life
08E Lovely kiss
08F Sky attack
090 Transform
091 Bubble
092 Dizzy punch
093 Spore
094 Flash
095 Psywave
096 Splash
097 Acid armor
098 Crabhammer
099 Explosion
09A Fury swipes
09B Boomerang
09C Rest
09D Rock slide
09E Hyper fang
09F Sharpen
0A0 Conversion
0A1 Tri attack
0A2 Super fang
0A3 Slash
0A4 Substitute
0A5 Struggle
0A6 Sketch
0A7 Triple kick
0A8 Thief
0A9 Spider web
0AA Mind reader
0AB Nightmare
0AC Flame wheel
0AD Snore
0AE Curse
0AF Flail
0B0 Conversion 2
0B1 Aeroblast
0B2 Cotton spore
0B3 Reversal
0B4 Spite
0B5 Powder snow
0B6 Protect
0B7 Mach punch
0B8 Scary face
0B9 Feint attack
0BA Sweet kiss
0BB Belly drum
0BC Sludge bomb
0BD Mud-slap
0BE Octazooka
0BF Spikes
0C0 Zap cannon
0C1 Foresight
0C2 Destiny bond
0C3 Perish song
0C4 Icy wind
0C5 Detect
0C6 Bone rush
0C7 Lock-on
0C8 Outrage
0C9 Sandstorm
0CA Giga drain
0CB Endure
0CC Charm
0CD Rollout
0CE False swipe
0CF Swagger
0D0 Milk drink
0D1 Spark
0D2 Fury cutter
0D3 Steel wing
0D4 Mean look
0D5 Attract
0D6 Sleep talk
0D7 Heal bell
0D8 Return
0D9 Present
0DA Frustration
0DB Safeguard
0DC Pain split
0DD Sacred fire
0DE Magnitude
0DF Dynamicpunch
0E0 Megahorn
0E1 Dragonbreath
0E2 Baton pass
0E3 Encore
0E4 Pursuit
0E5 Rapid spin
0E6 Sweet scent
0E7 Iron tail
0E8 Metal claw
0E9 Vital throw
0EA Morning sun
0EB Synthesis
0EC Moonlight
0ED Hidden power
0EE Cross chop
0EF Twister
0F0 Rain dance
0F1 Sunny day
0F2 Crunch
0F3 Mirror coat
0F4 Psych up
0F5 Extremespeed
0F6 Ancientpower
0F7 Shadoe ball
0F8 Future sight
0F9 Rock smash
0FA Whirlpool
0FB Beat up
0FC Fake out
0FD Uproar
0FE Stockpile
0FF Spit up
100 Swallow
101 Heat wave
102 Hail
103 Torment
104 Flatter
105 Will-o-wisp
106 Memento
107 Facade
108 Focus punch
109 Smellingsalt
10A Follow me
10B Nature power
10C Charge
10D Taunt
10E Helping hand
10F Trick
110 Role play
111 Wish
112 Assist
113 Ingrain
114 Superpower
115 Magic coat
116 Recycle
117 Revenge
118 Brick break
119 Yawn
11A Knock off
11B Endevour
11C Eruption
11D Skill swap
11E Imprison
11F Refresh
120 Grudge
121 Snatch
122 Secret power
123 Dive
124 Arm thrust
125 Camouflage
126 Tail glow
127 Luster purge
128 Mist ball
129 Featherdance
12A Teeter dance
12B Blaze kick
12C Mud sport
12D Ice ball
12E Needle arm
12F Slack off
130 Hyper voice
131 Poison fang
132 Crush claw
133 Blast burn
134 Hydro cannon
135 Meteor mash
136 Astonish
137 Weather ball
138 Aromatheraphy
139 Fake tears
13A Air cutter
13B Overheat
13C Odor sleuth
13D Rock tomb
13E Silver wind
13F Metal sound
140 Grasswhistle
141 Tickle
142 Cosmic power
143 Water sprout
144 Signal beam
145 Shadow punch
146 Extrasensory
147 Skyuppercut
148 Sand tomb
149 Sheer cold
14A Muddy water
14B Bullet seed
14C Aerial ace
14D Icicle spear
14E Iron defense
150 Howl
151 Dragon claw
152 Frenzy plant
153 Bulk up
154 Bounce
155 Mud shot
156 Poison tail
157 Covet
158 Volt tackle
159 Magical leaf
15A Water sport
15B Calm mind
15C Leaf blade
15D Dragon dance
15E Rock blast
15F Shockwave
160 Water pulse
161 Doom desire
162 Pyscho boost
164 Air slash
165 Aqua jet
166 Aqua tail
167 Aura sphere
168 Avalanche
169 Brave bird
16A Bug buzz
16B Bullet punch
16C Charge beam
16D Close combat
16E Cross poison
16F Dark pulse
170 Discharge
171 Draco meteor
172 Dragon pulse
173 Drain punch
174 Earth power
175 Energy ball
176 Focus blast
177 Force palm
178 Giga impact
179 Grass knot
17A Gunk shot
17B Hammer arm
17C Head smash
17D Ice shard
17E Iron head
17F Lava plume
180 Magnet bomb
181 Mud bomb
182 Nasty plot
183 Night slash
184 Ominous wind
185 Power gem
186 Power whip
187 Pyscho cut
188 Rock climb
189 Rock polish
18A Rock wrecker
18B Roost
18C Seed bomb
18D Shadow claw
18E Shadow sneak
18F Vaccum wave
190 X-scissor
191 Zen headbutt
192 Switcheroo
193 Drill run
194 Bulldoze
195 Electroweb
196 Flame charge
197 Frost breath
198 Heart stamp
199 Hone claws
19A Horn leech
19B Coil
19C Hurricane
19D Icicle crash
19E Work up
19F Quiver dance
1A0 Leaf tornado
1A1 Low sweep
1A2 Snarl
1A3 Struggle bug
1A4 Steamroller
1A5 Storm throw
1A6 Venoshock
1A7 Wild charge
1A8 Poison jab
1A9 Acid spray
1AA Fiery dance
1AB Clear smog
1AC Leaf storm
1AD Stone edge
1AE Payback
1AF Fire fang
1B0 Ice fang
1B1 Thunder fang
1B2 Flare blitz
1B3 Inferno
1B4 Hex
1B5 Dual chop
1B6 Double hit
1B7 Cotton guard
1B8 Acrobatics
1B9 Flame burst
1BA U-turn
1BB Volt switch
1BC Dragon tail
1BD Circle throw
1BE Mirror shot
1BF Wood hammer
1C0 Heal pulse
1C1 Flash cannon
1C2 Bug bite
1C3 Pluck
1C4 Shell smash
1C5 Rage powder
1C6 Wake-up slap
1C7 Razor shell
1C8 Copycat
1C9 Miracle eye
1CA Sucker punch
1CB Scald
1CC Brine
1CD Fairy wind
1CE Round eyes
1CF Play rough
1D0 Moonblast
1D1 Drain kiss
1D2 Dazzle
1D3 Charming cry
1D4 Stealth rock
1D5 Toxic spikes
1D6 Healing wish
1D7 Lunar dance
1D8 Tailwind
1D9 Boomburst
1DA Incinerate
1DB Worry seed
1DC Gastro acid
1DD Geomancy
1DE Flower guard
1DF Rototiller
1E0 Shift gear
1E1 Sticky web
1E2 Stored power
1E3 Acupressure
1E4 Punishment
1E5 Assurance
1E6 Necromancy
1E7 Error move
1E8 Crystal dust
1E9 Petal storm
1EC Heat rage
1ED Tempest
1EE Metal ball
Battle Related Cheats (All Game Shark)
The following Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheats can be used during a battle.
No Random Battles
D41DD0CA 33A629E5
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Steal Trainer’s Pokemon
How to use: Press L+R (once) then use the master ball to capture trainer pokemon
Master code V3
72BC6DFB E9CA5465
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2
Unlimited EXP
Infinite Exp
Unlimited PP
42023C08 6363
00000002 0002
Max IV
Master Code
000014D1 000A
1003DAE6 0007
Cheat code
33007CF1 001F
Instant KO/Kill
C833D1A0 02FA7205
Misc Cheats (All Game Shark)
The following Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheats can be used as well:
Walk Through Walls
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Egg Cheats
Quick Egg Hatch
32028642 00FE
Instant Male Egg
32028640 0016
Instant Female Egg
3202864 00093
Pokemart Items Cost $1
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
Unlimited Money
Master codes (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)
8E883EFF 92E9660D
Instant 999,999 Money (Cheat type: Code Breaker)
820257BC 423F
820257BE 000F
Instant 999,999 Money Alternative (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)
29C78059 96542194
Most Used Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Cheat Codes
- Rare Candy Cheat Code
- Master Ball Cheat Code
- Mega Stone Cheat Code
- Mega Evolved Pokemon Modifier Cheat Code
- Primal Pokemon Cheat Code
These are currently the only working cheat codes we know of. If you know any other working cheat codes for Pokemon Dark Worship please let us know in the comments and we will include them in the post.
Other Cheat Codes:
- Pokemon Mega Hoenn Adventures Cheats
- Pokemon Hyper Emerald Cheats