Prime Incursions - Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki (2025)

Prime Incursions is the next phase of the Incursions gamemode for Chaos VIII and beyond. Whereas the incursions in previous Chaos tiers are mostly introductory, Prime Incursions brings them all back (and a couple more) into the higher difficulties with new and unique rewards to be earned.

The general rule being in a Chaos difficulty still applies. Meaning aside from Incursion mechanics, players will still have to deal with the unique enemies of their respective Chaos tier.


  • 1 Major differences from regular Incursions
    • 1.1 Rewards
  • 2 Prime I Group
    • 2.1 Griblock's Horde
    • 2.2 Chrome Enemies
    • 2.3 Kobold Bling King
  • 3 Prime II Group
    • 3.1 The Demon's Lair
    • 3.2 Wyvern Enthusiast
    • 3.3 Forest Poachers
  • 4 Prime III Group
    • 4.1 Power Surge
    • 4.2 Malthius Incursion
  • 5 Prime IV Group
    • 5.1 Dark Awakening
    • 5.2 Return of Maldonis
    • 5.3 Bastille Master
  • 6 Prime V Group
    • 6.1 Altar of the Athame
    • 6.2 Spectral Assault
    • 6.3 Revenge of the Yeti
  • 7 Prime VI Group
    • 7.1 Wyvern's Den
    • 7.2 Dawn of the Blood Moon
  • 8 Prime VII Group
    • 8.1 Harbinger's Warship
    • 8.2 Jester's Revenge

Major differences from regular Incursions

Unlike the Incursions layout for the first seven Chaos tiers, Prime Incursions presents the challenges in a very different way.

  • All Incursions are now within a single difficulty, divided into 7 groups. Each group will be harder than the last despite being in the same difficulty.
  • Some Incursions has been modified to be a harder version of their original counterpart in early Chaos. Modifications may include very subtle tweaks to the stage mechanics or adding in more enemies.


Aside from an incursion's respective special weapon, Prime Incursions also provides these new rewards:

1. Prime Weapons (Victory chest loot).

  • These weapons with unique new models drops with Chaos VIII, Chaos IX, or Chaos X stats fully upgraded, depending on which difficulty you do. Furthermore, they are also rolled with curated "fan-favorites" shot/swing types and Mods. Each Prime group would have a pool of 4 different prime weapons. They are not the easiest items to find as their drop chance isn't that common.

2. Rings (Victory chest loot).

  • Heirloom items with unique locked mods that assists a hero's offensive capabilities with stats that are immune to reset when Ancient Power is invoked. Each Prime group features a ring that is guaranteed to drop from a Victory Chest after an incursion is beaten. Only found in Chaos IX/Chaos X.

3. Unique Pets (Victory chest loot).

  • Unique pets that cannot be found anywhere else. Only some Prime Incursions or Group feature them in their victory chest reward pool.

4. Hyper Shards (Gamemode-specific reward).

  • Each Prime Incursion group cleared for the first time rewards a Hyper Shard. After clearing all seven groups, there are more Hyper Shards you can obtain depending on the difficulty. Mass Destruction, obtainable by completing all 7 Prime Incursion groups in either Chaos 8, 9, or 10 difficulty. Genie King's Blessing, obtainable by completing all seven Chaos 9 Prime Incursion groups. And Tandem Strike, obtainable by completing all seven Chaos 10 Prime Incursion groups.
  • These hyper shards are identical to the ones earned from Mastery, meaning you'll be able to have two sets of them when you complete both Mastery and Prime Incursions.

Prime I Group


Ancient Vigilance

Liberty Sword

Gilded Baron's Rifle

Kunai Striker

Ring of Wind

Kobold King Pet

Kobold Bling King Pet

Destructive Pylon

Chance from Victory Chest. Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10. Chance from Victory Chest in Kobold Bling King. Prime I group completion.

Griblock's Horde

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 7,402 (Floor 40)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 56,853 (Floor 327-328)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 102,332 (Floor 591)

All lanes now has an additional "Horde" schedule containing only Berserker Orcs and all flyer lanes will be active again with an enemy schedule that contains only Kobold Fliers.

Chrome Enemies

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 8,301 (Floor 45)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 59,825 (Floor 344-345)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 107,686 (Floor 622)

Kobold Bling King

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 19,302 (Floor 109)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 68,752 (Floor 396-397)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 123,754 (Floor 715)

Wave 1 requires 7 gold crystals delivered to the Bling King under 245 seconds. Wave 2-4 requires 12 gold crystals under 230 seconds. And wave 5 requires 15 gold crystals under 280 seconds.

Prime II Group




Bounty Hunter Gobu

Neo Hunt Lord

Ring of Time

Explosive Shielding Guard

Chance from Victory Chest.

Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10.

Prime II group completion.

The Demon's Lair

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 14,345 (Floor 80)
  • C8 Demon Lord's Health Pool - 30 million HP
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 63,795 (Floor 367-368)
  • C9 Demon Lord's Health Pool - 150 million HP
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 114,829 (Floor 663-664)
  • C10 Demon Lord's Health Pool - 150 million HP

The amount of Chaos minibosses spawned at the start of a wave has a chance to increase with each passing wave - up to 6 Chaos minibosses can possibly be spawned at once by the third wave. All lanes no longer have mutators.

Wyvern Enthusiast

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 24,261 (Floor 138)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 73,711 (Floor 425)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 132,681 (Floor 766-767)

In wave 5, air lanes will be retaining the same amount of flyers as previous waves instead of dropping to 12 or so enemies. All lanes also no longer have mutators.

Forest Poachers

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 28,231 (Floor 161)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 77,681 (Floor 448)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 139,825 (Floor 808-809)

Each available poacher wave spawns 3 or 6 or 9 copies of a poacher miniboss in a single file line at a random lane or divided between different lanes. (3 copies would be the usual amount, 6 or 9 copies does not happen often.) The amount of air enemies (particularly Wyverns) has also been increased by a big margin. And all lanes no longer have mutators.

Prime III Group


Molten Embrace

The Dragonist

Steam Saw MkII

Iron Wolf

Ring of Poison


Chance from Victory Chest.

Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10.

Prime III group completion.

Power Surge

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 18,311 (Floor 103)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 67,761 (Floor 390-391)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 121,970 (Floor 704-705)

Defenses now takes 25 seconds to disappear after placement.

Malthius Incursion

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 36,166 (Floor 207)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 85,616 (Floor 494)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 154,108 (Floor 891)

Prime IV Group


Night's Wish

Avian Elementalist

Rubycore Dagger

Angler Dynamics

Ring of Water

Radiant Critical Power

Chance from Victory Chest.

Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10.

Prime IV group completion.

Dark Awakening

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 20,295 (Floor 115)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 69,744 (Floor 402)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 125,540 (Floor 725-726)

Return of Maldonis

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 32,198 (Floor 184)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 81,648 (Floor 471)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 146,966 (Floor 849-850)

Bastille Master

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 40,133 (Floor 230)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 89,583 (Floor 517)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 161,249 (Floor 932-933)

Prime V Group


The Bonding Blade

The Conspiracy

Wave Dancer

Dire Maw Bow

Ring of Regen


Chance from Victory Chest.

Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10.

Prime V group completion.

Altar of the Athame

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 46,085 (Floor 264)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 95,535 (Floor 551-552)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 171,961 (Floor 945+)

Spectral Assault

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 52,036 (Floor 299)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 101,486 (Floor 586)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 182,674 (Floor 945+)

Revenge of the Yeti

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 57,986 (Floor 334)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 107,436 (Floor 620-621)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 193,385 (Floor 945+)

Prime VI Group


Yves Serenity

Ancient Kris

The Chromatic


Ring of Earth

Vicious Strikes

Chance from Victory Chest.

Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10.

Prime VI group completion.

Wyvern's Den

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 47,987 (Floor 275)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 109,419 (Floor 632)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 196,954 (Floor 945+)

Dawn of the Blood Moon

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 59,969 (Floor 345)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 109,419 (Floor 632)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 196,957 (Floor 945+)

Prime VII Group


Voodoo Squire

Voodoo Monk

Voodoo Huntress

Voodoo Apprentice

Ring of Piercing


Chance from Victory Chest.

Guaranteed from Victory Chest. Only in C9/C10.

Prime VII group completion.

Harbinger's Warship

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 47,988 (Floor 275)
  • C8 Harbinger Boss - Enemy Lvl 59,970 (Floor 345-346)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 87,558 (Floor 505-506)
  • C9 Harbinger Boss - Enemy Lvl 109,420 (Floor 632)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 157,604 (Floor 911-912)
  • C10 Harbinger Boss - Enemy Lvl 196,955 (Floor 945+)

Jester's Revenge

  • C8 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 59,961 (Floor 345)
  • C9 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 109,411 (Floor 632)
  • C10 Difficulty Level - Enemy Lvl 196,946 (Floor 945+)
Prime Incursions - Dungeon Defenders 2 Wiki (2025)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.