Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (2024)

Yrs ' + petMonths + ' Months ' + petWeeks + ' Weeks'; } else if (petYears === null) { petAge = 'Age Unknown'; } else { var petAge = '' + petYears + ' Yrs ' + petMonths + ' Months ' + petWeeks + ' Weeks'; } var petIsCrossBreed = pets[i].Breed.IsCrossBreed; //console.log(petIsCrossBreed); if (petIsCrossBreed == true) { petIsCrossBreed = ' Cross'; } else { petIsCrossBreed = ''; } var petAnimalType = pets[i].AnimalType; if (petAnimalType === "Kitten") { var petAnimalType = "Cat"; } if (petAnimalType === "Puppy") { var petAnimalType = "Dog" } if (petAnimalType === "Chinchilla") { var petAnimalType = "Rodent" } if ((petAnimalType === "Crab") || (petAnimalType === "Fish") || (petAnimalType.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '') === "crab/fish") || (petAnimalType === "Goat") || (petAnimalType === "Insect") || (petAnimalType === "Arachnid") || (petAnimalType.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '') === "insect/arachnid") || (petAnimalType === "Sheep") || (petAnimalType === "Amphibian")) { var petAnimalType = "Other" } //var petBreedPrimary = pets[i].Breed.Primary.Name; var petBreedPrimary = pets[i].Breed.Primary; //var petBreed = petBreedPrimary + petIsCrossBreed var petBreed = petBreedPrimary; //var petLocation = pets[i].Location.PhysicalLocation.Name; var petLocation = pets[i].Location if (petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5480' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5485' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5495' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5525' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - Behavior Center' || petLocation == 'Mobile Adoption' || petLocation == 'Nursery - San Diego' || petLocation == 'San Diego Campus - 5500' || petLocation == 'Nursery - San Diego') { petLocation = 'San Diego Campus'; } else { petLocation = petLocation; } var petStatus = pets[i].Status; var petStatusClass; if (petStatus === 'Available For Adoption') { petStatus = 'Available On-Campus'; petStatusClass = 'on-site'; } else if (petStatus === 'Available for Adoption - In Foster') { petStatus = 'Available Off-Site In Foster'; petStatusClass = 'off-site'; } else if (petStatus === 'Available for Adoption - Waiting Space') { petStatus = 'Available On-Campus'; petStatusClass = 'off-site'; } else { petStatus == ''; petStatusClass = ''; } if ((petLocation === 'San Diego Campus') || (petLocation === 'San Diego Campus - 5500')) { petLocationClass = 'san-diego'; } else if (petLocation === 'El Cajon Campus') { petLocationClass = 'cajon'; } else if (petLocation === 'Escondido Campus') { petLocationClass = 'escondido'; } else if (petLocation === 'Oceanside Campus - Cats/Small Animals') { petLocationClass = 'oceanside'; } else if (petLocation === 'Oceanside Campus - Dogs') { petLocationClass = 'oceanside'; } else { petLocationClass = ''; } var petAgeGroupClass; var petNum = (petYears + "." + String(petMonths).padStart(2, '0')); if (petYears === null) { petAgeGroupClass = "young adult senior"; } else if (0.07 >= petNum) { petAgeGroupClass = "young"; } else if (petNum > 7.07) { petAgeGroupClass = "senior"; } else if (petNum <= 7.07) { petAgeGroupClass = "adult"; } //var petThumbUrlFunction = getPetThumb(); var petThumbUrl = pets[i].MainPhoto; //console.log(petThumbUrl); if (petThumbUrl == null) { petThumbUrl = ''; } else { //petThumbUrl = pets[i].MainPhoto.Default; var petThumbUrlObj = pets[i].MainPhoto.default; //petThumbUrlObj = petThumbUrlObj.substring(0, petThumbUrlObj.length - 10); //console.log('petURLobj is ' + petThumbUrlObj) petThumbUrl = '' + petThumbUrlObj; } var petUrl = '' + petId; writePetItems(); //goToAnchor('animalGallery'); jQuery('#backtotop').html('Back to Top'); } //for callback(); function writePetItems() { var petString = '

Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (1)

'; petString += '

' + petName + ''; petString += ' #' + petId + '

'; petString += '

' + petGender + '
'; if ((petAnimalType.toLowerCase() === "dog") && (pets[i].Breed.IsCrossBreed === true)) { petString += '

' + petBreed + ' Mix
'; } else { petString += '

' + petBreed + '
'; } petString += '' + petBreed + ''; petString += petAge; petString += '' + petNum + ''; petString += '
'; petString += '' + petLocation + ''; petString += '
'; petString += petStatus + '

'; if (petAnimalType.toLowerCase() === "guinea pig") { petString += 'guinea'; } else { petString += '' + petAnimalType.toLowerCase() + ''; } petString += '

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'; $('#animalGallery').append(petString); var BreedList = "

"; if ($("#breedchoice option:contains('" + petBreed + "')").length === 0) { $("#breedchoice").append(BreedList); } } console.log("Breed list done"); $(".breed.selection, .breed .trigger").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); console.log("Total Pets: " + $("#animalGallery .pet-item").length); console.log("Visible Pets: " + $("#animalGallery .pet-item:visible").length); }); //getCats } //getSearchAnimalsAws(); $(document).ready(function() { $('.search-form select option:contains("All")').prop("selected", true); $('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", true); !$('.search-form select option:contains("All")').prop("selected", false); !$('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", false); $('.search-form input[type="text"]').val(''); $("#no-results").removeClass("visible"); console.log('getSearchAnimalsAws'); getSearchAnimalsAws(checkFilters); //check jQuery version if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { console.log(jQuery.fn.jquery); } //*** DISPLAY FILTER function TypeSearch() { // Name & ID var typingTimer; var doneTypingInterval = 300; // 1 second/1000 ms var input = $("#searchName, #searchId"); // Your input input.on("keyup paste", function() { clearTimeout(typingTimer); typingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingInterval); }); input.on("keydown", function() { clearTimeout(typingTimer); }); // user is done function doneTyping() { let searchValue = $("#searchName").val().toString().toLowerCase(); let searchId = $("#searchId").val().replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '').toString(); if (searchValue !== '') { $("#search-nav").addClass("selected"); $('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", true); !$('.search-form select option:contains("ALL")').prop("selected", false); $(".pet-item").removeClass("petname-match"); $(".pet-item").each(function() { var petName = $(this).find(".petName").text().toString().toLowerCase(); if (petName.indexOf(searchValue) > -1) { $(this).addClass("petname-match").removeClass("hidden-pet"); } if (!$(this).hasClass("petname-match")) { $(this).addClass("hidden-pet"); 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console.log("Matching Pet Breeds..."); } else { $("#breedchoice option").removeClass("hidden"); console.log("Matching ALL Pet Breeds..."); } } //ApplyStatus var PetTypeChoice = $('#petType option:selected').val(); var BreedChoice = $('#breedchoice option:selected').attr("data-type"); $("#petType").on("input", function() { if (PetTypeChoice != BreedChoice) { console.log("no match;"); $("#breedchoice option").prop("selected", false).removeProp("selected"); $("#breedchoice option").eq(0).prop("selected", true).attr("selected", "selected").change(); } else if (PetTypeChoice == BreedChoice) { console.log("match; no type change"); } else if (BreedChoice === "All") { console.log("All Breeds"); } console.log("PetType changed; petType selected: " + PetTypeChoice + " chosenBreed: " + BreedChoice); }); $("#breedchoice").on("input", function() { var BreedChoice = $('#breedchoice option:selected').attr("data-type"); if (BreedChoice !== "All") { $("#petType option:selected").prop("selected", false).removeAttr("selected"); 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Browse our available pets below!

Adoptions are completed in person on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you have found an animal you’re interested in, please visit the appropriate campus during adoption hoursto speak with an adoption counselor.

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Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (2)

Your adventure in pet ownership starts here!

San Diego Humane Society has a variety of adoptable pets available including cats, dogs and small animals like rats, rabbits, hamsters, birds, reptiles and more.

Choose a pet type, location, gender and/or age to filter your search results. Alternatively, you may enter a specific animal name or animal identification number. For more about our adoption process, featured pets, discounts and rescue partners, please click here.

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Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (5)

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Search Adoptable Animals | San Diego Humane Society (2024)


How do you answer animal adoption questions? ›

It's important to be honest. They're not looking for anything too deep or personal. They just want to make sure you're not adopting for the wrong reasons.

How many dogs are you allowed to have in San Diego? ›

In the city of San Diego and in unincorporated areas, if you live in a residential zone, you're limited to six dogs. Any more than that is considered a kennel.

How do I report animal abuse in San Diego? ›

If you are reporting an animal-related emergency, cruelty, or imminent threat or danger to animals or humans, please call HLE dispatch at 619-299-7012 ext. 1. The email address is checked frequently, but not in immediate real time.

What is the mission statement of the San Diego Humane Society? ›

Our Mission

Committed to creating a more humane world by inspiring compassion, providing hope and advancing the welfare of animals and people.

How to pass a pet adoption interview? ›

Provide as many details as possible about your living situation, family experience and how you plan to care for the animal. Explain your previous experience with raising an animal, including training and exercise regiments. The more information you're able to provide, the better you'll look on your application.

How do you answer adoption reference questions? ›

Include how you know the person you are writing the reference letter for and how long you have known them. If you have witnessed the individual or couple's involvement with children, either your children or others, tell how they interact and what qualities they have that would make them good parents.

Can I bury my dog in my backyard in San Diego? ›

California law on pet burial

In California, there are no state laws that say pet owners have to dispose of their deceased animals in a humane manner, according to The Pet Memorial.

Is it illegal for my dog to pee on someone's lawn in California? ›

Technically, allowing your dog to cross onto someone's private property (and pee there) counts as trespassing, explained Matthew Liebman, associate professor at the University of San Francisco School of Law. In practice, however, there are few – if any – legal consequences.

Is it illegal to not pick up dog poop in San Diego? ›

Poop left on sidewalks, streets, yards or other open areas can be washed away by over irrigation or rain and carried into storm drains. Ⅰ Pick up animal waste promptly using plastic bags, scoops or shovels. Even in leash free areas, like fenced dog parks, you are responsible for picking up after your pet.

What does altered mean in dogs? ›

When someone says an animal is “fixed” or “altered” that means the animal has been spayed or neutered. PAWS spays and neuters every animal adopted from our shelter, even those as young as eight-weeks-old. We also recommend that people have their pets altered as soon as possible.

Do I have to license my dog in California? ›

By law all dogs must be licensed. Dog license fees help pay for the care of lost and orphaned pets; for animal cruelty investigations and other community services that promote animal health and safety. County Animal Services provides licensing to residents of the unincorporated areas of the county only.

How to rescue a dog from an abusive owner? ›

Dr. Coates reiterates, “Taking matters into your own hands can be dangerous. If you come across an animal that you suspect has been neglected or abused, bring it to the attention of your local Humane Society or Animal Control Agency and let them take it from there.”

Are San Diego animal shelters full? ›

SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI) — The San Diego Humane Society is facing a state of emergency as facilities are maxed out by record numbers of dogs in care. Those numbers are expected to triple as the summer months arrive. Last year, the Humane Society had 540 dogs in their care every day.

Is San Diego Humane Society non-profit? ›

We are a private, independent, nonprofit organization that is not affiliated with any other humane society or society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Who started the San Diego Humane Society? ›

San Diego Humane Society was organized on March 10, 1880, by George W. Marston and George W. Hazzard and is the oldest and largest humane society in San Diego County.

How do you answer a question about adoption? ›

If the question is asked by someone with whom you or your child has an ongoing relationship, you might say, “It sounds like you are curious about adoption and may want to know more.” This response allows you to educate the person about adoption and even give them some resources to refer to.

How do you answer an animal interview question? ›

A good answer to this question can consist of only a couple of sentences, but try to be as specific as possible. Consider mentioning the animal you would be, what traits it possesses and how these traits relate to the job description.

How do you respond to a service animal question? ›

If it is a member of the general public I say “No, she is a service dog.” “Are you a puppy raiser, or are you training that dog?” If your dog is a service dog in training, it is fine to say “Yes.” You don't have to explain that you are training or raising the dog for yourself.

How to answer why you want to adopt a cat? ›

7 Reasons to Adopt a Cat
  1. Adoption saves many lives. ...
  2. Adopting is a smart financial choice. ...
  3. It's good for your mental health. ...
  4. It's good for your physical health too! ...
  5. Cats can complete your family. ...
  6. When you adopt a cat, you know what you are getting. ...
  7. Rescues seem to have fewer health issues.
May 4, 2022

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 5689

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.